Welcome to Connecticut State RP!
We are a relatively new server that is now opening our beta to the public and looking for dedicated civilians, LEO’s, and staff. We are launching with a variety of plugins such as:
- 30+ LEO Vehicles (High Poly Models)
- Teamspeak 3 (Opus Voice 10 with 24/7 uptime)
- Lambda Based
- Optimized Traffic
- Active Staff
Our hopes is to create a serious roleplay server that will also create a fun environment for all players. We plan to execute this by having active staff members to instantly ban any modders or griefers ruining the experience for others. We have a discord and teamspeak where administrators can be reached almost 24/7 f-+or any issues pertaining to the server. Furthermore, we frequently monitor RTO for anyone ruining the experience for our LEO’s and civilians.
If you would like to join; our IP is:
Our discord invite code is: https://discord.gg/2gQvhEG
You may also join our teamspeak at:
Here are a few of our custom cars, but there are upwards of 10 more than shown:
Our server is currently in beta and any promises of 100% or reliable server up-time can not be held although we will take a server-wide vote and notify players if we do restart the server for maintenance.