Configuration of tebex with server FiveM


I would like help with setting up Tebex, on my FiveM server.

Tebex is well installed and configured, but I cannot make sure that when a player who buys for example, a car, money in the game or even items that it is automatically given to him

Do I need to code a server side script?

Thank you for your help


Yes, you need to register commands on a server script and use one of variables given by tebex to give something to someone ( there is a script on forum to give car if you’re on esx)

If we use this script as an example you would do on tebex :

  • _givecar {sid} sultan2 for example.

I can give you link to that script if you’re on ESX but here I’m on my phone so later. :wink:

Hi Jeydolen !

Thanks for your answer !

Yes I would like this link of this script example if possible, if he can help me ^^

Thank :slight_smile:

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Here you are : ESX Give car add-on (works for boat and planes too)

Thank !

For an Item or Money it’s the same ?
I can try to use this ?

You can use this script as a base for your other commands for example if you want to do something with giving money you would do :

--register your command, function (id, amount)

local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(id)


ESX is really easy to learn and doc (when not down) is nice.

Official website

Thanks very much for your help ! :smiley:

Link dead … Or ESX Web Down ?

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