Complete Weapon Labels List [1.49]

I’ve spent a couple of hours compiling this list since I haven’t been able to find an updated one online.
You can use these labels to return the localized weapon name with this native
The C# wrappers as of now are incomplete so I’ve written my own method

public static string GetWeaponDisplayNameFromHash(WeaponHash hash)
            switch (hash)
                case WeaponHash.AdvancedRifle:
                    return "WT_RIFLE_ADV";
                case WeaponHash.APPistol:
                    return "WT_PIST_AP";
                case WeaponHash.AssaultRifle:
                    return "WT_RIFLE_ASL";
                case WeaponHash.AssaultRifleMk2:
                    return "WT_RIFLE_ASL2";
                case WeaponHash.AssaultShotgun:
                    return "WT_SG_ASL";
                case WeaponHash.AssaultSMG:
                    return "WT_SMG_ASL";
                case WeaponHash.Ball:
                    return "WT_BALL";
                case WeaponHash.Bat:
                    return "WT_BAT";
                case WeaponHash.BattleAxe:
                    return "WT_BAXE";
                case WeaponHash.Bottle:
                    return "WT_BOTTLE";
                case WeaponHash.BullpupRifle:
                    return "WT_BULLPUPRFL";
                case WeaponHash.BullpupRifleMk2:
                    return "collision_8xe52o9";
                case WeaponHash.BullpupShotgun:
                    return "WT_SG_BLP";
                case WeaponHash.BZGas:
                    return "WT_BZGAS";
                case WeaponHash.CarbineRifle:
                    return "WT_RIFLE_CBN";
                case WeaponHash.CarbineRifleMk2:
                    return "WT_RIFLE_CBN2";
                case WeaponHash.CombatMG:
                    return "WT_MG_CBT";
                case WeaponHash.CombatMGMk2:
                    return "WT_MG_CBT2";
                case WeaponHash.CombatPDW:
                    return "WT_COMBATPDW";
                case WeaponHash.CombatPistol:
                    return "WT_PIST_CBT";
                case WeaponHash.CompactGrenadeLauncher:
                    return "WT_CMPLAUNC";
                case WeaponHash.CompactRifle:
                    return "WT_CMPRIFLE";
                case WeaponHash.Crowbar:
                    return "WT_CROWBAR";
                case WeaponHash.Dagger:
                    return "WT_DAGGER";
                case WeaponHash.DoubleAction:
                    return "collision_slai35";
                case WeaponHash.DoubleBarrelShotgun:
                    return "WT_DBSHGN";
                case WeaponHash.FireExtinguisher:
                    return "WT_FIRE";
                case WeaponHash.Firework:
                    return "WT_FWRKLNCHR";
                case WeaponHash.Flare:
                    return "WT_FLARE";
                case WeaponHash.FlareGun:
                    return "WT_FLAREGUN";
                case WeaponHash.Flashlight:
                    return "WT_FLASHLIGHT";
                case WeaponHash.GolfClub:
                    return "WT_GOLFCLUB";
                case WeaponHash.Grenade:
                    return "WT_GNADE";
                case WeaponHash.GrenadeLauncher:
                    return "WT_GL";
                case WeaponHash.GrenadeLauncherSmoke:
                    return "WT_GL_SMOKE";
                case WeaponHash.Gusenberg:
                    return "WT_GUSENBERG";
                case WeaponHash.Hammer:
                    return "WT_HAMMER";
                case WeaponHash.Hatchet:
                    return "WT_HATCHET";
                case WeaponHash.HeavyPistol:
                    return "WT_HEAVYPSTL";
                case WeaponHash.HeavyShotgun:
                    return "WT_HVYSHOT";
                case WeaponHash.HeavySniper:
                    return "WT_SNIP_HVY";
                case WeaponHash.HeavySniperMk2:
                    return "WT_SNIP_HVY2";
                case WeaponHash.HomingLauncher:
                    return "WT_HOMLNCH";
                case WeaponHash.Knife:
                    return "WT_KNIFE";
                case WeaponHash.KnuckleDuster:
                    return "WT_KNUCKLE";
                case WeaponHash.Machete:
                    return "WT_MACHETE";
                case WeaponHash.MachinePistol:
                    return "WT_MCHPIST";
                case WeaponHash.MarksmanPistol:
                    return "WT_MKPISTOL";
                case WeaponHash.MarksmanRifle:
                    return "WT_MKRIFLE";
                case WeaponHash.MarksmanRifleMk2:
                    return "collision_xxmiky";
                case WeaponHash.MG:
                    return "WT_MG";
                case WeaponHash.MicroSMG:
                    return "WT_SMG_MCR";
                case WeaponHash.Minigun:
                    return "WT_MINIGUN";
                case WeaponHash.MiniSMG:
                    return "WT_MINISMG";
                case WeaponHash.Molotov:
                    return "WT_MOLOTOV";
                case WeaponHash.Musket:
                    return "WT_MUSKET";
                case WeaponHash.Nightstick:
                    return "WT_NGTSTK";
                case WeaponHash.NightVision:
                    return "WT_NV";
                case WeaponHash.Parachute:
                    return "WT_PARA";
                case WeaponHash.PetrolCan:
                    return "WT_PETROL";
                case WeaponHash.PipeBomb:
                    return "WT_PIPE";
                case WeaponHash.Pistol:
                    return "WT_PIST";
                case WeaponHash.Pistol50:
                    return "WT_PIST_50";
                case WeaponHash.PistolMk2:
                    return "WT_PIST2";
                case WeaponHash.PoolCue:
                    return "WT_POOLQ";
                case WeaponHash.ProximityMine:
                    return "WT_PRXMINE";
                case WeaponHash.PumpShotgun:
                    return "WT_SG_PMP";
                case WeaponHash.PumpShotgunMk2:
                    return "WT_SG_PMP2";
                case WeaponHash.Railgun:
                    return "WT_RAILGUN";
                case WeaponHash.RayCarbine:
                    return "collision_8nq5573";
                case WeaponHash.RayMinigun:
                    return "collision_93wtxw7";
                case WeaponHash.RayPistol:
                    return "collision_906t1gr";
                case WeaponHash.Revolver:
                    return "WT_REVOLVER";
                case WeaponHash.RevolverMk2:
                    return "collision_83mmm6n";
                case WeaponHash.RPG:
                    return "WT_RPG";
                case WeaponHash.SawnOffShotgun:
                    return "WT_SG_SOF";
                case WeaponHash.SMG:
                    return "WT_SMG";
                case WeaponHash.SMGMk2:
                    return "WT_SMG2";
                case WeaponHash.SmokeGrenade:
                    return "WT_GNADE_SMK";
                case WeaponHash.SniperRifle:
                    return "WT_SNIP_RIF";
                case WeaponHash.Snowball:
                    return "WT_SNWBALL";
                case WeaponHash.SNSPistol:
                    return "WT_SNSPISTOL";
                case WeaponHash.SNSPistolMk2:
                    return "WT_SNSPISTOL2";
                case WeaponHash.SpecialCarbine:
                    return "WT_RIFLE_SCBN";
                case WeaponHash.SpecialCarbineMk2:
                    return "collision_9byyi8b";
                case WeaponHash.StickyBomb:
                    return "WT_GNADE_STK";
                case WeaponHash.StoneHatchet:
                    return "collision_9gs7vqe";
                case WeaponHash.StunGun:
                    return "WT_STUN";
                case WeaponHash.SweeperShotgun:
                    return "WT_AUTOSHOT";
                case WeaponHash.SwitchBlade:
                    return "WT_SWBLADE";
                case WeaponHash.Unarmed:
                    return "WT_UNARMED";
                case WeaponHash.VintagePistol:
                    return "WT_VPISTOL";
                case WeaponHash.Wrench:
                    return "WT_WRENCH";
                    return "WT_INVALID";

I have used this tool to find missing colliders.


Why not contribute to the C# wrappers?

Wait wut,

This is for renaming the weapons right?

Does this fix the issue where it says “invalid weapon” for the mk2 weapons? I have been trying to figure that out

For that one, you just need to “DECLARE” the weapons in the es_extended config weapons and locales

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Ah okay makes sense why they were showing invalid then