πŸ•Ά Complete Vision | Virtual reality inside FiveM!


:film_projector: YOUTUBE

Buy now

:earth_africa: TEBEX

Other resources

:joystick: Complete Hud V2 | Pause menu/Body health/Settings and more!

:oncoming_automobile:​ Complete Carplay | UI to interact with your vehicle

β€‹πŸ¦Œβ€‹β€‹Complete hunting | New way to hunt

:package:​ Complete Importexport | A new society with different UI



Code is accessible Only the 4 config files
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 35000+
Requirements ox_lib / ox_target OR qb-target / screenshot-basic / Casino DLC IPL Loader (Needed only if you want the poker app, also other Casino DLC can work) / mumble voice OR pma voip OR tokyio voip OR salty chat
Support Yes

Wow this is very special! Well done work!

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Thank you, really appreciate it!

wow even in rp people still going to become lazy hahaha … love it tho bro . great job

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Looks really good! If I had a server of my own, I would have definitely bought it! :two_hearts:

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You’re rightπŸ˜‚ thanks!

Thank you!!

Sick script, looks just like the real thing, in love with it lol

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Much appreciated!:smile:

when its available again?

what you mean? you can buy it on our tebex shop, it’s always there and always available

the site was broke since i wrote this comment but i look up now :slight_smile: Update; With firefox or google chrome latest build it isnt possible to click on every menu on website. Im the only one? but only in your shop. all others worked for me.

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oh i was editing the site to add a new animation maybe it is broken in firefox i will check thanks

ahh okay :slight_smile: