Company Blip Syste,

Compatible : QBX / QBCore / ESX

:purple_heart: Tebex
:tv: Preview

Config File

P_Blips_Config = {}

P_Blips_Config.Framework = 'qbx' -- esx | qbx | qb-core

P_Blips_Config.Notifications = {
	['open_company_message'] = 'has opened and is waiting for you at ^*^3Postal : %d^r',

	['close_company_message'] = 'has been closed',

	['no_belong_job'] = 'You dont belong to whitelist job for this action!',

	['cooldown_message'] = 'Wait %d seconds until you can change your job status!', -- %d is the second so do not change!

P_Blips_Config.CooldownChangeDuty = 5000 -- 5000 = 30 seconds

P_Blips_Config.DutyBlips = {
	-- Police Department
		img 		= '',

		width		= '25',

		heigth		= '25',

		job_name	= 'mechanic',

		job_grade	= 1,

		pos			= vector3(-217.23, -1302.68, 31.3),

		sprite		= 643,

		colour		= 29,

		size		= 0.8,

		name		= 'Bennys',

		postal 		= '7299'

	-- Ambulance
		img 		= '',

		width		= '32',

		heigth		= '25',

		job_name	= 'ambulance',

		job_grade	= 0,

		pos			= vector3(563.26, 2751.5, 41.88),

		sprite		= 463,

		colour		= 8,

		size		= 1.0,

		name		= 'Hospital Center',

		postal 		= '4020'

Any suggestions or questions ?

Please write them down below in the comments section.

Script information

Code is accessible Yes(Config)
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 200+
Requirements Framework’s (QBX
Support Yes