Community Pulse - October 2023 Edition

I don’t understand the commotion over the copyright stuff. It was always frowned upon in the first place, if outright not allowed because T2 has acted upon that in the past, even before the acquisition.

The only difference now is that it’s visible and explicit in the TOS that you can’t use copyrighted content in servers - especially now that it can be enforced more properly with Cfx being acquired. Before Cfx couldn’t moderate everything, now they have more resources for it so it’s explicit in the TOS.

Is the whole essence of FiveM for some really driving real life vehicles and drinking modded real life brands…?
Copyrighted material is frowned upon in every bigger live service game that allows UGC. Every single one. I’d say project maintainers and server owners usually don’t want to get flooded with DMCA’s or lawsuits, but that’s me!