Cold Mountain Roleplay | Department Head Recruitment


My name is Tom, I am the current Director of the up and coming community “Cold Mountain Roleplay”. Here at CMRP, we are actively looking for people who are the age of 16+, committed, self-driven, skilful and knowledgeable department heads. We are looking for specific people with experience with administration, able to work as a team, leadership and able to start-up a department and be able to successfully run the department at their highest ability.

To be able to express this opportunity you will have to fill out the CMRP | Department Head Application below, if successful within the application process, you will receive an email from the CMRP Head Administration and a formal interview will be scheduled. Failure to attend this interview will result in your application being terminated.


This is a one time opportunity, I highly recommend you to apply as we at CMRP have very high abitions to reach the top and are constantly looking for ways to develop in ways no one have every developed before.

On behalf of CMRP Head Administration, we like to thank you for taking interest in our community.

Best of luck!

Director Tom S.

Civilian Director is currently occupied. If you still wish to apply for Civilian, if successful, you will receive Civilian Deputy Director.

Any chance we can have a link to a discord or teamspeak so we can check out the server and the admin team before applying?

Hey @ttall, Our discord is currently not open to non-members, and at this time we are recruiting an Administration team, hence why the applications for a Head of Department position is open. You can go ahead and apply if you are interested and willing to join a community as an administrator!

Many thanks,

Tom S. Director

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Is San Andreas that cold?

It’s the winter!

so i cant apply as a simple member, i HAVE TO apply for department head?

whats the discord for the server?

We aren’t currently open for member applications. We are currently in the development stage.

You will only be able to gain access to the Discord if you are successful throughout the recruitment process.

yall need devs?

We will be opening Development applications soon.

  • Bump!
  • Bump!
  • Bump!

Hello! I recently applied and I am excited to check out this community. From what I have seen so far I am very impressed and I hope to see you guys in the server soon!