Hey everyone, this is the animation you may have seen in GTA 5 Online heist Pacific Standard Bank.
This is a snippet, not a script. This means it won’t do anything unless you implement it to an existing resource.
Just paste this into your script (client-side (duh!)), and trigger it whenever you want to use. Check the comments for some info.
Also, this is the resource_manifest_version you need for this to work “44febabe-d386-4d18-afbe-5e627f4af937”
Hope this helps you.
First Person Video: Watch Hacking Animation First Person by utku | Streamable
Third Person Video: Watch Hacking Animation Third Person by utku | Streamable
AddEventHandler("utku:hackinganim", function()
local animDict = "anim@heists@ornate_bank@hack"
while not HasAnimDictLoaded(animDict)
or not HasModelLoaded("hei_prop_hst_laptop")
or not HasModelLoaded("hei_p_m_bag_var22_arm_s")
or not HasModelLoaded("hei_prop_heist_card_hack_02") do
local ped = PlayerPedId()
local targetPosition, targetRotation = (vec3(GetEntityCoords(ped))), vec3(GetEntityRotation(ped))
local animPos = GetAnimInitialOffsetPosition(animDict, "hack_enter", 253.34, 228.25, 101.39, 253.34, 228.25, 101.39, 0, 2) -- Animasyon kordinatları, buradan lokasyonu değiştirin // These are fixed locations so if you want to change animation location change here
local animPos2 = GetAnimInitialOffsetPosition(animDict, "hack_loop", 253.34, 228.25, 101.39, 253.34, 228.25, 101.39, 0, 2)
local animPos3 = GetAnimInitialOffsetPosition(animDict, "hack_exit", 253.34, 228.25, 101.39, 253.34, 228.25, 101.39, 0, 2)
-- part1
FreezeEntityPosition(ped, true)
local netScene = NetworkCreateSynchronisedScene(animPos, targetRotation, 2, false, false, 1065353216, 0, 1.3)
NetworkAddPedToSynchronisedScene(ped, netScene, animDict, "hack_enter", 1.5, -4.0, 1, 16, 1148846080, 0)
local bag = CreateObject(GetHashKey("hei_p_m_bag_var22_arm_s"), targetPosition, 1, 1, 0)
NetworkAddEntityToSynchronisedScene(bag, netScene, animDict, "hack_enter_bag", 4.0, -8.0, 1)
local laptop = CreateObject(GetHashKey("hei_prop_hst_laptop"), targetPosition, 1, 1, 0)
NetworkAddEntityToSynchronisedScene(laptop, netScene, animDict, "hack_enter_laptop", 4.0, -8.0, 1)
local card = CreateObject(GetHashKey("hei_prop_heist_card_hack_02"), targetPosition, 1, 1, 0)
NetworkAddEntityToSynchronisedScene(card, netScene, animDict, "hack_enter_card", 4.0, -8.0, 1)
-- part2
local netScene2 = NetworkCreateSynchronisedScene(animPos2, targetRotation, 2, false, false, 1065353216, 0, 1.3)
NetworkAddPedToSynchronisedScene(ped, netScene2, animDict, "hack_loop", 1.5, -4.0, 1, 16, 1148846080, 0)
NetworkAddEntityToSynchronisedScene(bag, netScene2, animDict, "hack_loop_bag", 4.0, -8.0, 1)
NetworkAddEntityToSynchronisedScene(laptop, netScene2, animDict, "hack_loop_laptop", 4.0, -8.0, 1)
NetworkAddEntityToSynchronisedScene(card, netScene2, animDict, "hack_loop_card", 4.0, -8.0, 1)
-- part3
local netScene3 = NetworkCreateSynchronisedScene(animPos3, targetRotation, 2, false, false, 1065353216, 0, 1.3)
NetworkAddPedToSynchronisedScene(ped, netScene3, animDict, "hack_exit", 1.5, -4.0, 1, 16, 1148846080, 0)
NetworkAddEntityToSynchronisedScene(bag, netScene3, animDict, "hack_exit_bag", 4.0, -8.0, 1)
NetworkAddEntityToSynchronisedScene(laptop, netScene3, animDict, "hack_exit_laptop", 4.0, -8.0, 1)
NetworkAddEntityToSynchronisedScene(card, netScene3, animDict, "hack_exit_card", 4.0, -8.0, 1)
--event başlangıç
SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 5, 0, 0, 0) -- çantayı yok ediyoruz eğer varsa // removes bag from ped so no 2 bags
SetEntityHeading(ped, 63.60) -- Animasyon düzgün oturması için yön // for proper animation direction
Citizen.Wait(4500) -- Burayı deneyerek daha iyi hale getirebilirsiniz // You can try editing this to make transitions perfect
FreezeEntityPosition(ped, false)
SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 5, 45, 0, 0) -- çantayı pede geri veriyor // gives bag back to ped
Hope this is the right category.