Coastal Response Roleplay

:interrobang: Who are we?
One of the simplest questions is sometimes the hardest to answer. But we think we’ve cracked it!

Our mission here at Coastal Response is to provide a professional, serious, and semi-realistic roleplay experience utilizing Civilian RP, and FivePD. We pride ourselves in creative scenarios and roleplay encounters, as well as custom technologies created specifically for use here at Coastal Response.

Our goal is to create the majority of our server as custom as we can be! We’ve noticed an influx of the number of servers that just use assets and scripts that are open source, free to the public or paid scripts for the public. To combat that we’ve created Coastal Response, in which all of our scripts are custom-made with help from PendingDevelopment.

:interrobang: What are our strengths?
Structure. We have role models in the server that you can look up to and start learning about the world of Policing, Firefighting, Medical Assistance, or Civilian Roleplaying within the FiveM space. We’re a beginner-friendly community and welcome anyone that wishes to start learning with us.

Applications. We allow players to apply for certain positions within our community. Want to be a K-9, SWAT, Aviation, or a Dispatcher? Come and apply. What we won’t allow though, is applying for bottom-of-the-barrel roles. Do you want to become a civilian or an emergency service worker? No need to apply! If you don’t want to commit to a certain aspect within a server, you don’t need to worry about wasted time!

Development Team. Whilst our development team is very small (at the moment), we pride ourselves on expertise. For myself, I’ve been developing for nearly 4 years now, and 2 years for FiveM-specific projects - although not all publicly. We’re also new, which means more updates for you - hope you enjoy the content!

Server Information Wiki. We try and keep even the new players in the loop. That’s why we have a constantly updated server wiki that tells you all the information that you would need to know to start out!

:interrobang: What are our weaknesses?
Oh… this is a bit weird, why have we told you about our weaknesses? We pride ourselves in transparency and want to own up when we don’t think we’ve done the best that we could have done. Here are the things that we think we could do better on - hopefully you can assist us in that journey.

Player base. It’s no secret that starting out as a server is difficult, and our last month within the business has proven difficult. We’ve maxed our active player count at around 13, which whilst still impressive for a new server - we need your assistance in boosting that!

:joystick: Come Join Us!
Like what you see? Come join us by checking out our website, or joining our discord.

❓Frequently Asked Questions

:grey_question: Are we looking for developers?
We’re always looking to diversify our team in expertise and knowledge. We do need you to be invested in the community tho. Come check our server out and show us what you can do in a ticket! We’ll let you know from there!

:grey_question:Is civilian roleplay allowed?
Yes! We allow civilian RP alongside FivePD (soon to be PendingPD) roleplay.

:grey_question:Are departments whitelisted?
No, all departments are public, and anyone can roleplay as Fire, EMS, or Police. However, you must respect the authority of supervisors of that respective department.

:grey_question:Is there a Female EUP?
Yes, we have a Female EUP.