Coastal County RP | DOJ Based | Custom Cars | Custom EUP | Streamer Friendly | Serious RP | New

:star2:Come Join Coastal County RP:star2:
What is Coastal County RP?
Coastal County RP is a VMenu based server with whitelisted PD and Fire departments and great civilian roleplay. Our server has established itself as being on of the best FiveM servers out there!

:city_sunset:What Can You Do In Coastal County RP? :city_sunset:
In Coastal County RP, you can hunt, fish, open up a business, or join a department. Grab your gun and flashlight and protect the Fleeca Banks and Gas stations with Gruppe 6 Security, or hop in a fire truck and put out some fires. If your the civilian type, make a business or start a gang, hire employees and grow your empire. In Coastal County RP the sky is the limit. Come join us today and see what you can do.

:police_car:What Departments Does Coastal County RP Have?:police_car:
โ–บ :FBI: Federal Bureau of Investigation :FBI:
โ–บ :NIA: National Investigation Agency :NIA:
โ–บ :SAST: San Andreas State Trooper:SAST:
โ–บ :BCSO: Blaine County Sheriffโ€™s Office :BCSO:
โ–บ :LSPD: Los Santos Police Department:LSPD:
โ–บ :SAFR: San Andreas Fire & Rescue:SAFR:
โ–บ :FAA: FAA :FAA:
โ–บ :Dispatch: Dispatch :Dispatch:
โ–บ :CIVOPS: Civilian Operations :CIVOPS:
โ–บ & MORE!!

Here are some custom things we have!
โ€“ Custom CAD/MDT
โ€“ Custom Phone script
โ€“ Custom Megaphone script for LEOs
โ€“ Custom EUP
โ€“ In-Game Radio
โ€“ Standalone Money for RP
โ€“ Professional and mature team to help guide you!
โ€“ Simple and Custom HUD
โ€“ Over 100 Civilian cars
โ€“ Professional and well-trained LEOs
โ€“ Over 30 Custom MLOs
โ€“ We are city based!! While other server like to stay in Blaine county we prefer to stay in the city!
โ€“ Active Event Team to keep everything fresh and new!
โ€“ Dedicated Suggestions team! Our suggestions are looked at ASAP and always considered
โ€“ Active Development team our dev team is always adding new things and making updates!
โ€“ Owner has open DM and loves to help people out!

How Do I Join?
You can join Coastal County RP with the link below!
You can head to our discord or even our website and connect trough it after joining the Discord!

