Info :
GTA V version?
Latest version
Up to date?
Yes !
Legit or Pirate copy?
Legit Version
Steam/CD/Social Club? ??
Socialclub version
Windows version?
Win10 Pro
Did you try to delete caches.xml and try again?
Yes , didnt solved to problem
Error screenshot (if any)
What did you do to get this issue?
Configure the server , Setup Essentialmode , Setup the Database ( Xampp + Mysql + PHPMyadmin) , Connected to Database.
What server did you get this issue on?
My own server for personal use , not public.
Server CMD :
In-game screen :
Resource map :
Hello All! ,
I have an error problem in my server cmd , this error pops up at the moment i join the server.
My guess is that there is a problem with sending information to the Database .
This error popped up after i installed Essentialmode to my server .
Essentialmode is Working on my Database it created an entry for my character with steamID , start cash , Level etc.
so it does send info to the database .
but i cant figure out why the error pops up at CMD server .
The server shows me this after i joined the server :
Connecting: Kevichill
Sending heartbeat to
Loaded System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51 into ScriptDomain_1915289698
Loaded System.Buffers, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51 into ScriptDomain_1915289698
Access denied for command add_principal.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ This error isnt going away ,
and i dont know what to do about it at the moment .
when i am in the server , the commands of essentialmode works , i can make myself admin , i can kick myself etc. that all works , but i dont know why that error popps up , and i want it to go away ofcourse ;p
my guess is there is something that isnt connecting to the DB on a right way .
Can someone help me out a little ,
for extra info :
I didnt use any other Mods at the moment on the server just Essentialmode ,
No CouchDB !
Yes Mysql-async
Yes Mysql server + DB
I appreciate the help !
Im sorry for the bad english .
Greets Kevin .