I am encountering a persistent issue on my server where the game crashes frequently on spawn. This crash can also occur at any time while in-game. The crash seems to be related to the VMT limit issue, however, it is important to note that we are not exceeding this limit, yet the game still crashes.
Spawn into the game (or play for an arbitrary amount of time after spawning).
Expected Result:
I should be able to spawn or play the game without any issues or crashes.
Actual Result:
The game crashes frequently on spawn or while already in-game with an error similar to the VMT limit exceeded error that occurs when you are exceeding the VMT limit of your game build.
Additional Information:
I have confirmed that we are not exceeding the VMT limit.
The crash has been consistent across game sessions.
The crash seems to happen both on spawn and during general gameplay.
The crash happens even after reinstalling FiveM and verifying game files.
The crash does not seem to be affected by a player’s particular computer hardware.
There was a post on this forum regarding this issue, but I couldn’t find it, and users were normally able to solve the issue by going below the VMT limit, however, as we are below the limit for our game build, this must be a different issue. Clothing-Spawn_Crash_Dumps.zip (11.6 MB)
We’re getting this crash on spawn now as carolina-william-gee. Looks like it occurs strictly on spawn. Is there something wrong with the native or how the native is being used? I find it interesting that the SetPlayerModel function actually errors prior to crash.
This is how it’s being used:
function setPlayerModel(model)
if type(model) == "string" then model = joaat(model) end
if IsModelInCdimage(model) and IsModelValid(model) then
pcall(SetPlayerModel(PlayerId(), model))
__Lua_InvokeNative: execution failed: Error executing native 0x00a1cadd00108836 at address FiveM_b2699_GTAProcess.exe+7943E7.
^1SCRIPT ERROR: Execution of native 00a1cadd00108836 in script host failed: Error executing native 0x00a1cadd00108836 at address FiveM_b2699_GTAProcess.exe+7943E7.^7
^3> SetPlayerModel^7 (^5SetPlayerModel.lua^7:7)
^3> setPlayerModel^7 (^5@ef-clothing/client/functions.lua^7:528)
^3> setPlayerAppearance^7 (^5@ef-clothing/client/functions.lua^7:644)
^3> handler^7 (^5@ef-clothing/client/main.lua^7:149)
is there anymore information on this? I am running into this crash quite often after adding new clothing. Same steps as above. I add the new clothing, join the server, load then crash with that error. I figured it had something to do with the texture slots? I don’t know. I would really like more clarification.
This happens when you attempt to set the player’s model without having the model loaded yet (causing people with worse-performing hardware to experience it at higher rates).