Client & Server Resmon Targets

I’m trying to get a more solid idea on this, at what client resmon is performance degraded, and the same for server?

Without defining ‘degraded’, one can’t answer this question.

Where it begins to impact framerate for client & for server I guess causing desync.

This is based on nothing but my own experience, so take it with a grain of salt. In my mind, it’s really dependent on a couple of things, like resource count, etc. For the client side, ideally, you would like a script to be 0.00 at idle or thereabouts. I’m usually ok with anything up to 0.03. Over 0.05 and I’m having a close look at it. When in use, again, 0.05 is the goal but 0.10 under load is still ok. The total CPU msec is where the resource count comes into play. If you have 20 scripts all sitting at 0.05ms, your total CPU msec will be 1.00ms.

I’m running around 200 resources (not all are scripts, many are car packs and maps), and our total CPU msec is 2.10ms, of which vMenu contributes 0.80ms. That’s well down on what it was when we started a couple of years ago and my ability to code was very limited. At one point it was like 11.3ms before I embarked on the journey of learning how to optimize code.

On the server side, it’s the same deal. Our heftiest resource is es_extended which sits at around 0.40ms. Total server time is 0.90ms.

Now, I will say, I don’t know if this is good or not as I have no idea on where other servers are at so don’t have anything to compare it to. But the performance on our server seems to me to be very good. We’re getting good frames and very little lag when we have 40 or more players on, so I count that as a win.

I realize I probably didn’t really answer your question. Best answer I can give is just do anything you can to get it as low as possible. There are so many factors in play that you can’t set a hard and fast target to try and be under as it may be different for different servers.