Clean Scoreboard / Playerlist

Clean Scoreboard Fully Configurable

z-scoreboard is a resource by Zua that allows users to easily configure the playerlist or scoreboard



  1. Download Here.
  2. Put the z-scoreboard folder into your resources folder → Make Sure the resource is called z-scoreboard
  3. Add start z-scoreboard into your server.cfg


Value Type Description
--main-bg-color rgba Main Background Color
--main-heading-bg-color rgba Header Background Color
--main-font font-family Master Font
--main-text-color rgba Master Font Color
--main-font-size px Master Font Size
--main-window-width px Playerlist Window Width
-main-window-height px Playerlist Window Height
--main-text-align direction Master Text Align
--main-heading-height px Header hight
--main-padding px Master Padding - Try not to mess w/ this (forgot what I made it assigned to)
--main-border px and rgb Scoreboard Border Intensity and Color
--main-border-radius px The ‘roundness’ of The Scoreboard’s Border’
--ext-title-font-size px Title Header Font Size
--ext-title-font-align direction Title Header Alignment
--ext-title-font-color rgba Title Header Text Color
--ext-footer-font-align direction Footer Alignment
--ext-footer-font-color rgba Footer Text Color


:root /* Edit this for config */ {
	--main-bg-color: rgba(12, 44, 95, 0.548);
	--main-heading-bg-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.568);
	--main-border: 3px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.363); 
	--main-border-radius: 6px; 
	--main-font: 'Roboto Condensed', sans-serif; 
	--main-text-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9);
	--main-font-size: 39px;
	--main-window-width: 370px;
	--main-window-height: 185px;
	--main-text-align: left;
	--main-heading-height: 23px;
	--main-padding: 7px;
	--main-font-weight: 500; 
/* 'Config.js' styling */
	--ext-title-font-size: 25px;
	--ext-title-font-align: center;
	--ext-title-font-color: rgb(223, 223, 223);
	--ext-footer-font-align: right;
	--ext-footer-font-color: rgba(190, 215, 255, 0.329);


var title = 'Test Server';
var footer = '';
/* ------------------------------- */
document.getElementById('title').innerHTML = title;
document.getElementById('footer').innerHTML = footer;

Change the variable’s strings in config.js to match to your liking.
To change keypress value to open scoreboard → go to client.lua | Default Key: Z





Looking nice! Any way you can add stuff like Vespura’s menu has for developers, its a function you can use to add another category/tag? If this comes out I’ll definitely use it!

I don’t know what you mean by category/tag

Maybe they mean add another column for your own data? Like after ID and Name

p.s noice


I don’t see the point in this. The default scoreboard resource has an easily-editable .css and .html file.
If users have the skill to edit this .css file to configure the scoreboard, it’s a given they can also edit the default scoreboard’s .css and .html file.
I guess it’ll make it maybe a bit easier?

Working on it.
(20 char)

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Upadate V.2

Added Config for Title and Footer along with new styling attributes

would like to see esx jobs intergrated with this one

Looks very nice! A player count (number of players/max players) would look nice. :+1:

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Can you tell me how can I change the Steam names to Roleplay names?

I would like this also if possible?

just make the resource fetch your ‘rp’ name from your db and then replace the steam native for names, to your fetched db name.

Where can i disable to default scoreboard?

Delete it its called scoreboard in your [systems] folder

New Update: Stuttering Issue Fixed

You can change the key now with only 1 variable (called key) with the scoreboard not turning off and on constantly.

Very Nice.
Could you make it so that not all the list entries are the same color, but for example 2 colors?
Like this:
White name
Grey name
White name
Grey name

Would be very nice, and eye-friendly.

Love it, is there any way we can set the player viewing the lists’ color to something different then everything else?

Not everyone has knowledge in css and html and things written out as he did in a config file is a lot easier for beginners. But at the same time it may discourage beginners from learning more but i see a pretty valid point of this being here.

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Cool Thanks in advance.

Crashes my server for some reason…