CitizenGame.dll fix

(delete if it doesnt count as a bug i just wanted to help as many as possible)
Ok so i don’t know if im allowed to do this but I’ve seen a lot of people with this problem and now i want to help because i recently figured it out and i had to search 1000 places for all these solutions.

If FiveM wont start try:
1.Put the file in a “New folder” and try and open again
2. delete cache file and open it again
3. If it says “Could not load CitizenGame.dll” you might not have the newest version of “Visual C++ Redistributable”
4. search for “Visual C++ Redistributable” and find the newest version (2017 for now)
5. If it says you cant download maybe because you already have the program make sure to delete all already existing files
6. go to you search bar and search for “Controle panel”
7. Find “programs and features/ apps and features”
8. in the search bar top right search for “c++ redist”
9. delete/remove all files with “C++ Redistributable” in its name
10. try and download the new version again

IF IT STILL SAYS Could not load CitizenGame.dll"
11. Delete all of FiveM
12. Turn off your windows defender and all your antivirus programs (if you have more than one that is)
13. download FiveM again
14. Put the file in a new folder
15 try and open the game again

I’ve also heard that it could be problems with you GTA itself
if your GTA folder in your system is called “Grand theft Auto 5” something is wrong it should either be called “Grand theft auto V” or just GTA V, try to redownload the stuff maybe,

I saw somewhere that it could help deleting the “social club” file from within the GTA file and
redownload it here: Club Latest Setup.exe

Havent tried this though so it might cause some problems that i don’t know off

Good work, hopefully this helps a lot of people.


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DAAAMN GOD, i was trying to fix fivem for last one and a half week. You helped me brother <3