Check if blip is already on map

I have a event on the client that is calling a server event every 5 minutes. That server event is then querying the database table for houses. Then that server event is calling another client event sending over the information from the query and in that client event I am adding a blip for each on of the houses in the database but I have an if statement checking to see if the house is occupied and if it is then don’t place a blip and if it is not occupied then place a blip. This works fine the only problem is that every 5 minutes it just stacks another blip on top of the one that’s already placed.

Short version - I am wondering if there is a way to check to see if a blip is already on the map at certain coordinates or check to see if the blip is already on the map by checking the substring name of the blip?

Note - I have tried everything and checked all over the forums etc with no solution yet :frowning:

So I found this but I’m not sure what to use in the brackets to determine what specific blip I want to check

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