chatMessage NodeJS

I’m wondering how the color works with the chatMessage event using nodeJS. I’ve tried passing a standard array and even an object using r, g and b - the message is being sent and all but the color isn’t being applied. Any ideas?

Thanks :slight_smile:

Could you show us your code?

I just realized I phrased myself poorly, I meant that just the color isn’t working.
there isn’t much to see about the code, but sure

TriggerClientEvent('chatMessage', from, [120, 60, 30], "Test command executed");

Since you are using Javascript for FiveM you shouldn’t use TriggerClientEvent(event, target)
Try this: (If it from a client you are triggering it)

emit('chat:addMessage', {
      args = [ "This is da masage"]

else use this if its being triggered from a Server Sided file

emitNet(event, target, args = ["blah blah blah"]);

instead of emit()

I’m not sure if it will work since I haven’t done any Javascript Development for FiveM before!

Sincerely, Big Yoda.

Appreciate the tip :slight_smile: regardless of how it’s triggered though, the color issue still remains :stuck_out_tongue:


TriggerClientEvent('chat:addMessage', -1, { args = { "Title", "Message"}, color = 255, 255, 255 })

Found this from one of my old posts. Might be helpful