Change notification: Embedded Mumble server maximum slot count configuration

Changes to the maximum slot configuration for the embedded Mumble server

As of platform server (FXServer) release 5152, the means of configuration for the embedded Mumble server has changed.

Who is affected?

Anyone using a FXServer instance as a standalone Mumble server, for example to offload from a main game server.

If you have not set up a standalone server instance to use for Mumble, separate from your game server, you are not affected by this change.

What changed?

The default maximum client setting for umurmur was originally hardcoded to 1024, to match the original maximum value for sv_maxClients. In newer releases, this setting now takes into account the sv_maxClients setting. The client cap is now set to twice the sv_maxClients value (default to 32, → 64), with a maximum of 2048.

You should make sure the sv_maxClients setting on your secondary instance matches the setting on the primary instance. No additional premium policies are required for this setting if you’re only using it as a standalone Mumble server.