CentOS 6 - Cannot start FiveM server


I’ve been trying to get a small FiveM server running on a CentOS 6 dedicated server hosted by SoYouStart. However, I’ve had some problems actually getting the server to run. It particularly fails after it binds to the ports it is supposed to listen on (the HTTP server, etc.).

I have installed the latest version of Mono (5.0.0 in this case) using “yum install mono-complete”.

I have created a screen specifically for the FiveM server using a new user account with the useradd command (and assigned a password to it, obviously). I applied read, write, and execute permissions to the run.sh bash script using “chmod +rwx ./run.sh”. I then attempted to start the server using “./run.sh”. Here is the error I received:

Here is my citmp-server.yml:

ListenPort: 30120

- mapmanager

- chat
- spawnmanager
- fivem-map-skater
- baseevents
- rconlog
- hardcap
- scoreboard

RconPassword: something


ScriptDebug: true

DebugLog: true

Announce: false

DisableAuth: false

DisableScriptHook: true

Is there something I am doing wrong or is there something regarding my system’s configuration?

FiveM currently only works with Mono 4.8. I got the same error on Ubuntu Xenial with Mono 5.0.

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