Cayo Perico Vehicles

I have an issue witch spawning both of the videos. I tried to fix it, but all seems to be proper.

The seasparrow3 propellor isnt animated, until you are in air the propellor is somehow animated.


But you done a great job ! :+1:

The Cayo Perico Island Available for FiveM - Releases - Community if your still looking here you go

how to spawn in with vmean

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toreador and veto dont spawn

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I got those

yeah they do

that cause its the version that gets stored on the sub

Could you release them to the forums? Or PM it to me?

I’m using these same files

How i install this ? Please help me

? Im looking for the summer DLC cars

Is there a list of spawn codes I could use somewhere?

I got no sound, am i missing something?

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Yes, I also can’t spawn them.

Anyone know how to get the Cayo Perico weapons into fivem? (Combat Shotgun, Military Rifle)

If you’re using a custom vehicles.meta you can add engine sound back using the “audioNameHash” flags

You’ll need The Cayo Perico Island Available for FiveM - Releases - Community
for that, then you’ll have to edit ammunation to make them buyable

I cant get it working? I’ve tried to add it to the files but it wont seem to start the vehicles?

Hi! Your Site is always dropping this error! Can u fix it?
