Cayo Perico Simple Gas station [ymap]

Herro, Im just here to share something i threw together since some people i don’t think want to put effort into creating for their community’s. I will not be supporting this aka telling you how to install it. I currently have this on my live server so it is working with latest versions of fivem.

Islandgas.ymap (1.7 KB)

screen shot:

Enjoy :smiley:


Awesome stuff dude!

Nice one added and works.

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Thanks :smiley:

Could you please tell me location bro ??

Cayo Perico Island, obviously… You need the islandfor this to work.

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i mean coords bro, ty for answer <3

its right by the hanger at that little shack across from it. if its not loading your doing something wrong. or dont have something loaded

Great work!! Cant wait to see more Cayo Perico projects from you!!


If any of you uses the frfuel resource ([Release] FRFuel [v1.7.0]) for gas stations, I have added the coords of these pumps in the GasStations.json file and wanted to post it here to save you the trouble!
Just add this in the bottom part of the file:

      "coordinates": {
        "X": 4490.8862304688,
        "Y": -4512.158203125,
        "Z": 4.1904835700989
      "pumps": [
          "X": 4491.1796875,
          "Y": -4512.158203125,
          "Z": 4.1904835700989
          "X": 4496.482421675,
          "Y": -4510.6430664062,
          "Z": 4.1905870437622
          "X": 4486.0869140625,
          "Y": -4514.2416992188,
          "Z": 4.1551990509033
          "X": 4516.673828125,
          "Y": -4507.6875,
          "Z": 4.1756091117859
          "X": 4515.7807617188,
          "Y": -4507.1958007812,
          "Z": 3.9659631252289

Make sure to put a comma after the gas station that comes before this one!

no need for polyzone at all

1 Like

thank you. exactly what i needed