Catapult help

Hello! I am having some issues with my own catapult script for the carrier, as the vehicle does not use the boost, and only prints the function to chat. Any help?

RegisterCommand("catapult", function()
	local veh = GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1))
	local hash = GetHashKey(veh)
	local echo = DoesVehicleHaveRocketBoost(veh)
	SetVehicleRocketBoostPercentage(veh, 100)
	SetVehicleRocketBoostActive(veh, true)
	print(veh, " Number of vehicle")
	print(hash, " Hash of vehicle")
end, false)

function msg(text)
	TriggerEvent("chatMessage", "[CATAPULT]", {0,0,0}, text)

Solved using different natives