Casino penthouse IPL broke on last update

For a good bug report you should probably include:

  1. Client (production/canary) and FXServer version: Canary 2372, FXServer 4478
  2. What you expected to happen
    Change casino penthouse wall color
  3. What actually happens
    Cannot change casino penthouse wall color
  4. Category of bug (eg. client, server, weapons, peds, native)
  5. Reproducible steps, preferably with example script(s)

TP To vector3(944.7, 19.22, 115.18)

SetInteriorEntitySetColor(274689, "Set_Pent_Tint_Shell", 3)


On a previous fivem version:


Was this not fixed with the revert of the Lua compiler version changes? Odd, since nothing related to this changed whatsoever either. :confused:

Will be fixed with this revert Revert "fix(game/five): tintValue for interior entities fix" · citizenfx/fivem@574dd9a · GitHub

It seems this not just a bug R* did but a straight breaking of existing SP/MP functionality in order to implement some stuff in MP. Bravo, R*.

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It is fixed indeed. Too bad for the reverted fix :frowning:

I will find some more viable way to implement a fix, don’t worry :slightly_smiling_face:


have you found a solution for this?

The original issue was fixed few days ago.

how I can fix it?

This is still happening.

Are you sure of that? What client version are you on?

Oh I tested it now on version 4752 and the tint is working, the pattern colors are still scuffed but I’m not sure if that is related to this?

@disquse any idea?

Per the other report:

client 2372 fxversion 4496

I hav bob74_ipl script with casino DLC and DLCipl loader version2 : Cayo Perico & Casino DLC IPL Loader

Seems like scripts (and re-streamed assets) fighting with one another. Very much garbage-in garbage-out.

Can someone help me?
I made the new build for Casino and Cairo! Everything is there too, only now everything disappears in Sandy Shores! What did i forget