Cars Add-On

Burritox with V8 Engine.

Driving behavior has been adapted so that the Burritox does not tip over or do other nonsense.
Spawnname: burritox & burritox2

LS Driving School with McLaren F1 Engine.

The driving behavior has been adapted so that the LS driving school does not drive too fast and everyone should pass the test.
Spawnname: lsfsasbo

Sandi with V8 Engine.

Driving behavior has been adapted so that the Sandi does not tip over or do other nonsense.
Spawnname: sandi


  • Sound
  • Driving behavior
  • Design

Installation instructions

  • Load the unpacked file into your Resources folder.
  • start it in the server.cfg with “ensure burritox” or “ensure lsfsasbo” or “ensure sandi”

Tebex Shop

Burritox Video

LS Driving School Video

Sandi Video

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) N/A
Requirements N/A
Support Yes

Further vehicles, on request.
Now AI Train available Tebex Shop

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