Cargobob Magnet

Ever since i saw the magnet on the Cargobob from that one online heist, I’ve always wondered if it was possible to use. And now it is!

Press H To enable the magnet, which will attract vehicles and pressing E will then attach the vehicle to the magnet!

I also added a command: /removehook which will remove the hook/magnet from the heli, however you will need to get another heli to use the hook/magnet again, this is due to how that native works.

Anyway, enough blabbering, here’s the download:

Ooh, click me!



Amazing :slight_smile: :+1:

Animal! Thank you <3

thi sbro ke my serbr an it donnt rk. plz fix

God damn it booty yum

does this work on CitizenMP.Server?

Just. No. Stop. Get Help

lmfao…noone has CitizenMP.Server anymore

Hes memeing

i gathered lmfao lol

Seriously, stop derailing this topic.

Real cool, thanks for making this!

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Atleast this topic has not been “derailed” as much as your trains post, :wink: lol

My train is still in the works :wink:

It was meant to be a bad pun lol

I gathered :stuck_out_tongue: so i turned it into something interesting and coming soon :tm:

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No magnet shows up for me any ideas? its installed correctly. Not my first time installing scripts, kinda thinking its either conflickting with another key or script. Maybe Heli script, and I have 2 different Helicopters that use the Hook like a cargo bob.

Only button is H, you could try switching the key though. I only know it works on the default cargobob models, everything else is untested .

Ok I tried both HELOS, Ive run out of keys to try But I will keep trying ty

Also, if youre using a custom model, you probably want to add the name into the table that it uses to check if youre in a cargobob