Car dyno [Standalone] (1)

This script allows players to drive any car onto a dyno and find out the torque and horsepower of the car. A graph with the results is displayed in real-time on tv screens which can be placed anywhere. The script is responsive to any tuning modifications whether it’s vanilla GTA tuning or by an installed script.

This script also has Discord webhook integration so dyno results can be saved, viewed and shared remotely through Discord. The script comes with custom dyno models of various colours and can be placed anywhere you want.

The script can also be used on existing dynos by adding to the config the location of the existing dyno. Each dyno can be configured to be only used by a player with a specific job.

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Showcase video

Main features

  • Standalone usage (No framework required!)
  • Realistic data output (horsepower and torque)
  • Multiple custom dyno props
  • Synchronised in real time between all players
  • Discord webhook to automatically save all Dyno sheets
  • (ESX/QBCore) Job whitelisting
  • nm or lb-ft units for the torque
  • Highly customizable
  • Ability to use MLO built-in dynos
  • Real time graph in 3d monitors/tv’s
  • Multiple displays per dyno possible
  • No dependency or api keys needed


Discord webhook output example



Works with any vehicle (including modded vehicles)


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Default config

Code is accessible No (All framework code + some functions are public)
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1500
Requirements None
Support Yes

never purchased anything quicker on cfx


Right!! This is awesome!


Good job :fire:


This is awesome as always with Kuz ! As Beauflexx said, never purchased anything quicker on cfx


we need dyno props DLC asap

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11/10 resource would highly recommend!


Can work with other handling modify?

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Yes, the script has multiple presets. You can modify the formula as well

The horsepower and torque increase with modifications through level modifications, right? However, we don’t use those modifications; instead, we use a script change engine to modify the vehicle from other manufacturers (we have been using this method for a long time). Will this have an effect on the horsepower and torque?

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Everything that affects how the car handles affects the displayed stats

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