Server Artifact Version:1.0 (I think)
Operating System Windows
Error: "Warning: Resource test does not contain the RedM pre-release warning in fxmanifest.lua.
[ resources] Please add rdr3_warning ‘I acknowledge that this is a prerelease build of RedM, and I am aware my resources will become incompatible once RedM ships.’ to fxmanifest.lua in this resource.
[ citizen-server-impl] Couldn’t start resource test.
Path to scrip files: recourses/heist
I wanted to create a train heist script where you go to an npc wich starts the heist and gives a location of the train wich’s vault you have to rob but the script doesn’t start, it showes the error that I have mentioned above. I’ve tried to ask chatgpt(I know, not the brightest) for help but didn’t solve the issue.
Here is my script:
fx_version ‘adamant’
game ‘rdr3’
rdr3_warning ‘I acknowledge that this is a prerelease build of RedM, and I am aware my resources will become incompatible once RedM ships.’
author ‘Your Name’
description ‘Heist Script for VORP’
version ‘1.0.0’
client_script ‘heist_client.lua’
server_script ‘heist_server.lua’
dependencies {
local isHeistActive = false
– Set the location for the heist NPC
local heistNpcLocation = {x = -1500.0, y = 200.0, z = 20.0}
– Set the vault location on the train
local vaultLocation = {x = -1650.0, y = 185.0, z = 35.0}
– Set the train track starting point
local trainTrackStart = {x = -1600.0, y = 180.0, z = 30.0}
– Function to start the heist
function startHeist()
isHeistActive = true
print(“The heist has begun!”)
-- Spawn the NPC giving heist details at the specified location
local heistNpc = VorpCore.spawnPed("a_m_m_saloon_01", heistNpcLocation.x, heistNpcLocation.y, heistNpcLocation.z, 0.0, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil)
VorpCore.taskStartScenarioInPlace(heistNpc, "WORLD_HUMAN_STAND_MOBILE", 0, true)
-- Add logic to give heist details to the player, such as the train location and instructions
TriggerClientEvent("chatMessage", -1, "HEIST NPC", {255, 255, 0}, "Head to the marked location to wait for the train.")
TriggerClientEvent("chatMessage", -1, "HEIST NPC", {255, 255, 0}, "When the train arrives, find a way to get on board.")
-- Set up a blip for the heist NPC on the map
local npcBlip = VorpCore.addBlip(heistNpcLocation.x, heistNpcLocation.y, heistNpcLocation.z, 303, 4, "Heist NPC")
VorpCore.setBlipSprite(npcBlip, 1) -- Standard blip icon
-- Spawn the train on the tracks near the starting point
local train = VorpCore.spawnVehicle("freight", trainTrackStart.x, trainTrackStart.y, trainTrackStart.z, 0.0, nil, nil, function(vehicle)
-- Set the train to follow the tracks
VorpCore.taskFollowToOffsetOfEntity(vehicle, GetPlayerPed(-1), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1)
-- Set up a blip for the train on the map
local trainBlip = VorpCore.addBlip(train, "Train", 303, 5)
VorpCore.setBlipSprite(trainBlip, 1) -- Standard blip icon
-- Set up a blip for the vault on the train
local vaultBlip = VorpCore.addBlip(vaultLocation.x, vaultLocation.y, vaultLocation.z, 303, 6, "Vault")
VorpCore.setBlipSprite(vaultBlip, 1) -- Standard blip icon
-- Trigger an event to let other parts of the script know the heist has started
– Function to end the heist
function endHeist()
isHeistActive = false
print(“The heist is over!”)
-- Add cleanup logic, remove NPCs, reset markers, etc.
– Event handler for when the player enters the train marker
AddEventHandler(“playerEnteredTrainMarker”, function()
if isHeistActive then
– Add logic to handle the player getting onto the train and reaching the vault
TriggerClientEvent(“chatMessage”, -1, “SYSTEM”, {255, 0, 0}, “You are on the train. Find the vault and grab the loot!”)
– Event handler for when the player enters the vault area on the train
AddEventHandler(“playerEnteredVaultArea”, function()
if isHeistActive then
– Add logic to handle robbing the vault
TriggerClientEvent(“chatMessage”, -1, “SYSTEM”, {255, 0, 0}, “You are robbing the vault!”)
– Event handler for when the player interacts with the heist NPC
AddEventHandler(“playerInteractedWithHeistNPC”, function()
if not isHeistActive then