I cannot remove this object, can’t even select it, I am new to editing in Codewalker
and most likely doing something wrong. Can someone point me in the right direction
on how to remove this. Thanks in advance
Located here in build 3258 DLC mp2024_01 - Codewalker.
(-795.82, -258.09, 39.16)
I do know how to remove collisions and occlusions but this does not seem to be either one.
you may need to zoom in and out and move a number of objects to select the actual object you want to grab
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Thanks Lamont, I tried that but it just not selectable at all. If you load up that build in Codewalker you will see what I mean after you remove all the collisions from the window and then try to select the wooden floor you can’t.
Build → 3258
DLC → mp2024_01
Coords → -795.82, -258.09, 39.16
I did happen to remove it with 3dmax but it is still there just invisible. Strange
This what it looks like after removing with 3DMax and an invisible wall stops me from walk to the cars.
This is it before removing with 3dMAx.
There are 3 different ybn files for that building, you will need to load them into RPF explorer and view them to see which part needs to be edited, then drag into max to edit
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Thanks, will give it a try.