Cant login to TXadmin. I changed my username on the website

I changed my username on the website. I was messing around on txadmin. And it was something there were you could change your username so i thought it would change my whole username on everything. When i changed it and i got logged out. I tried logging in. With cfx but it did not work it said the account was not linked to something. And with the username login i dont know the password nor can i find somewhere to change the password.

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i also need to change my key but i cant get in on txadmin

:exclamation: note that, this isn’t the recommended action, but if you cannot seem to get your txAdmin to work: :exclamation:

try deleting the following json file, inside your txData folder.
here’s an image.

this comes with all your already setup admins, inside txAdmin being deleted! :exclamation:

really hoping, i could help.

but if you are home hosting? cause i cant find txdata

there should be one regardless of the hosting method.
it might run under a different name, try searching for and admin.json file.

cant find anything with admin.json or anything with admin at all

then i don’t know, maybe try reinstalling your server!
be carefull tho, it’s dangerous, backup your files.

i have tried deleting all the files and downloaded them again but i still cant access

i deleted it and now what how do i get it back