GTA V version?
Latest Up to date?
Indeed Legit or Pirate copy?
Legit Steam/CD/Social Club?
Steam Windows version?
Windows 7 Did you try to delete caches.xml and try again?
Yes Error screenshot (if any)
System specifications
Geforce GTX 1070
Core i5-3570K
8GB ram What did you do to get this issue?
I tried downloading FiveM and this is the only response. What server did you get this issue on?
… CitizenFX.log file
[ 0] Detected NVIDIA Node, attempting to query ShadowPlay status…
[ 78] NvNode claims ShadowPlay is disabled, bailing out. .dmp files/report IDs
Dont know what or where that is.
If an issue with starting: GTA V folder screenshot
Did you try to disable/uninstall your Anti-virus?
Also add what you already tried so far.
I have tried every singe thing. This has been a pain in the ass since christmas. I still haven’t been able to download FiveM. VPNs, videos, tutorials, feedback from this community, both in this forum and in discord, no one’s been able to help me. I tried to manually download the patch but that also failed mid-way. CurlCode 56 is “failure with receiving network data” and I’ve tested and experimented with all sorts of downloads and they perfectly work but as soon as its related to FiveM, it nopes so hard. It’s not like itis impossible because I’ve had FiveM before but I decided to uninstall it, after some while redownloaded it again but I encountered this problem. If you need any more information, I will be more than happy to provide for you, as long as you fix this.
Hello, this is a friendly reminder because this is your first time creating a topic (or it has been a while since your last topic) in this category.
Please note that most of the support is provided by the FiveM community on a voluntary basis. We ask you to be patient; there is no guarantee we have a solution to your problem(s). To avoid unnecessary/duplicate topics, please browse the forums before creating a topic.
To improve your chances of your issue(s) being solved, please provide as much information as possible about the issue(s) you are having. Also —whenever possible— please use the template given to you when creating a topic.
Not really. I’ve said the things I have tried in the post but one thing I haven’t tried is changing networks. Going to switch to much faster and stable internet connection in the coming weeks. (Fiber, that’s what it’s called, right? Atleast it does in Swedish )
I tried changing networks and didn’t work. Anyway, I don’t think that it’s our side it’s the problem. I have fiber up to 12MB/s download and upload and first time I have this problem with FiveM. Maybe the server is down or something
Well I don’t have any anti-virus scanners programs other than the Windows-Firewall. I have added anything related to FiveM to the Windows-Firewall but nothing has worked. I even turned off the firewall completely yet still the same problem.