Can't decide which framework to use


so I have a question.
I want to make my server as cheat-proof as possible.
No weapon cheating / spawning, no vehicles, etc.
Aimbot will be a different thing but that’ll be my thing to make sure nobody does that on my server.

So, what is your suggestion about what Framework to use?
I’m very familiar with ESX Legacy already, tried out QBCore and now I’m thinking of making my very own Framework, which will take some time of course, but I don’t want to reinvent the wheel.

What is your suggestions about all of that?
FiveM offers a huge possibility to grow a big community, and has enough functions to make a nice server.

Kind regards

I suggest you to use QBCore instead of esx, it’s newer and more optimized, with less bug and a good support community on the discord

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The best ‘framework’ is always one which you make yourself since you’ll be the most familiar with the code, you can tailor it to your own liking and you won’t have a million script kiddies that have cheat menus made for you server like you’ll get with public ‘frameworks’. If you’re confident with writing scripts and you have the time to spare this is always the best option.

Otherwise if you just want to go with a public open source framework the best choice right now is QBCore, it’s what’s currently popular and it’s actively being developed / maintained unlike ESX which is titled as ‘legacy’ and does not work with current 2022 standards.