Can't connect to voice chat

What is the issue you’re having?

for the last couple of days my voice chat having an issue which no one is able to hear me and i cant hear them either. it never happen before.

when i check in F8 its keep saying “Connecting to mumble, setting targets.” ." Finished connection"

What have you tried already to fix the issue?

I tried to solve it with my ISP but they said nothing is wrong on their end.

Tried using exitlag - able to hear people for only a couple of hours then goes back to the same issue

Tried reboot my router / flushdns

tried turn off and on voicechat

What server did you get this issue on?

daracity , luvtown

Error screenshot(s)

Windows version

windows 11

System specifications

cpu : AMD Ryzen 5 7600
gpu : ASUS ROG Strix RTX4060
Ram : 32GB DDR5

Antivirus software

windows security

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Well, this is indeed a connection issue, try a few other servers and see if it exists there as well. If all else fails you should try using a VPN.

just tried another server - voicechat works fine