Cannot find resources, but directory is correct

Server Artifact Version:
Operating System (Windows/Linux): Windows
Error screenshot (if any): None
Crash files (if any): None
Server config (server.cfg): Pasted below
Path to server files: F:\Games\RedM\server
Path to cfx-server-data files: F:\Games\RedM\server-data

Describe your issue
Upon starting the server I get the following:

F:\Games\RedM\server>FXServer.exe +exec F:\Games\RedM\server-data\server.cfg
[           resources] Scanning resources.
[           resources] Found 1 resources.
[          svadhesive] Authenticating server license key...
[          svadhesive] Server license key authentication succeeded. Welcome!
[ citizen-server-impl] Couldn't find resource sessionmanager.
[ citizen-server-impl] Couldn't find resource mapmanager.
[ citizen-server-impl] Couldn't find resource chat.
[ citizen-server-impl] Couldn't find resource spawnmanager.
[ citizen-server-impl] Couldn't find resource sessionmanager.
[ citizen-server-impl] Couldn't find resource basic-gamemode.
[ citizen-server-impl] Couldn't find resource hardcap.
[ citizen-server-impl] Couldn't find resource rconlog.
cfx> [ citizen-server-impl]         fff
[ citizen-server-impl]   cccc ff   xx  xx     rr rr    eee
[ citizen-server-impl] cc     ffff   xx       rrr  r ee   e
[ citizen-server-impl] cc     ff     xx   ... rr     eeeee
[ citizen-server-impl]  ccccc ff   xx  xx ... rr      eeeee
[ citizen-server-impl]
[ citizen-server-impl] Authenticated with Nucleus:

If I do not specify the full path to the server.cfg file, I get this:

F:\Games\RedM\server>FXServer.exe +exec server.cfg
1a71tma[l   E r r o r :    T h i s   s e rcvmedr]  d[e0sm [o0tm Nhoa vseu cah  lciocnefnisge  fkielye :s pseecrivfeire.dc. fPgl
e[s3e8 ;s5e;t8 3tmh[e    s v _ l i c e n sreeKseoyu rccoenss]o l[ 0vma[i0amb[e3 2tmoS caa nkneiyn gf rroems ohutrtcpess:./k0emy
m[s3t8e;r5.;f8i3vme[m .  n e t / .   ( f orre seoxuarmcpelse],  [s0emts0vm_[i3c2emnFsoeuKnedy  1" kreeys"o`u ricne st.h[ 0cmo
nf[g3,8 ;o5r; 6`6+ms[e t   s v _ l i c e nssveaKdehye skievye`]  o[ 0tmh0 mcEormrmoarn:d  Tlhiinse )server does not have a license key specified. Please set the sv_licenseKey console variable to a key from (for example, `set sv_licenseKey "key"` in the config, or `+set sv_licenseKey key` on the command line)

My configuration file was copied from the guide and modified to our needs. It is below, minus my key.

# Only change the IP if you're using a server with multiple network interfaces, otherwise change the port only.
endpoint_add_tcp ""
endpoint_add_udp ""

# These resources will start by default.
ensure mapmanager
ensure chat
ensure spawnmanager
ensure sessionmanager
ensure basic-gamemode
ensure hardcap
ensure rconlog

# This allows players to use scripthook-based plugins such as the legacy Lambda Menu.
# Set this to 1 to allow scripthook. Do note that this does _not_ guarantee players won't be able to use external plugins.
sv_scriptHookAllowed 0

# Uncomment this and set a password to enable RCON. Make sure to change the password - it should look like rcon_password "YOURPASSWORD"
#rcon_password ""

# A comma-separated list of tags for your server.
# For example:
# - sets tags "drifting, cars, racing"
# Or:
# - sets tags "roleplay, military, tanks"
sets tags "default"

# A valid locale identifier for your server's primary language.
# For example "en-US", "fr-CA", "nl-NL", "de-DE", "en-GB", "pt-BR"
sets locale "en-US" 
# please DO replace root-AQ on the line ABOVE with a real language! :)

# Set an optional server info and connecting banner image url.
# Size doesn't matter, any banner sized image will be fine.
#sets banner_detail ""
#sets banner_connecting ""

# Set your server's hostname. This is not usually shown anywhere in listings.
sv_hostname "ws01"

# Set your server's Project Name
sets sv_projectName "Clan DHTA Project"

# Set your server's Project Description
sets sv_projectDesc "Private server for Clan DHTA and friends"

# Set Game Build (
#sv_enforceGameBuild 2802

# Nested configs!
#exec server_internal.cfg

# Loading a server icon (96x96 PNG file)
#load_server_icon myLogo.png

# convars which can be used in scripts
set temp_convar "hey world!"

# Remove the `#` from the below line if you want your server to be listed as 'private' in the server browser.
# Do not edit it if you *do not* want your server listed as 'private'.
# Check the following url for more detailed information about this:
sv_master1 ""

# Add system admins
add_ace group.admin command allow # allow all commands
add_ace group.admin command.quit deny # but don't allow quit
add_principal identifier.fivem:1 group.admin # add the admin to the group

# enable OneSync (required for server-side state awareness)
set onesync on

# Server player slot limit (see for limits)
sv_maxclients 32

# Steam Web API key, if you want to use Steam authentication (
# -> replace "" with the key
set steam_webApiKey ""

# License key for your server (
sv_licenseKey "Nope!"

Yes, I want a private server so I removed the comment from the line “sv_master”.

What have you tried?
Starting from the server, server-data, and RedM directories. Verified that the session manager and other directories are in “server-data/resources/[system]”. Read a LOT of posts on this problem here and at other sites.

Okay, I was starting from the “server” directory, not “server-data”. The guide I used said to use “server”. It started, built some stuff, and is up. I have restarted it and it starts every time now, no errors or warnings, but I cannot connect to it on localhost or via the static IP address on my NIC. Testing locally for now, but unable to test. I allowed access through the firewall for everything that asked for it.

How do I begin troubleshooting this now?

Okay, it looks like it’s trying to run GTA5 instead of RDR2. I have no clue how to fix that. It’s loading GTA maps and trying to use v1604 of GTA5. I am currently trying to find a list of what versions can be used for RDR2.

Why is RedM trying to be GTA?

Okay, I do not see this mentioned in the official server guide, but apparently we need to set another variable and tell the the FX server that we’re playing RDR. I found a post on Reddit that said to add “+set gamename rdr3” to the startup parameters. This fixed everything.

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