Cannot execute binary file: Exec format error

I first had a server on my pc and I want to make it always on so I have decided to do it on my raspbnerry pi on raspbian. when I run bash /home/pi/FXServer/ +exec server.cfg it says

/home/pi/FXServer/ line 8: /home/pi/FXServer/alpine/opt/cfx-server/ cannot execute binary file: Exec format error
/home/pi/FXServer/ line 8: /home/pi/FXServer/alpine/opt/cfx-server/ Success/home/pi/FXServer/ line 8: /home/pi/FXServer/alpine/opt/cfx-server/ cannot execute binary file: Exec format error
/home/pi/FXServer/ line 8: /home/pi/FXServer/alpine/opt/cfx-server/ Success
can someone help me?

did u happen to figure this out because im having the same exact problem

On the site:

Server system requirements : x86-64 system running […]

A ‘Raspberry Pi’ is not an x86-64 system.

my raspberry pi is on a 64 bit software with a 64 bit board. so now can anyone tell me whats going on

run the command
uname -a

If it does not return x86_64 then your OS/Proc is not compatible, regardless if its 64-bit.
A Pi should typically return aarch64 as its an Arm processor and not x86_64 based.

It may be possible to recompile but I’ve not found a howto specifically for those steps yet.

Hi, do you found any steps now?