First lets tag the creators of the scipts Im looking to combine! @Vechro, @Cloudy
Alright, I have an idea for a scrip that will be a game changer. Trust me. Many will use this.
Ive seen this script for supply crates. Issue I have is that it depends on commands. Im looking to make it on a timer thats adjustable and random. Must be synched with the random Red Zone script.
As for the red zones. I want to make sure the red zones are only visible to certain jobs. Our custom org job we created ( pd scipt with some actions removed.) & the Ems to prepare for reviving players. Now the key part is the crates and the red zones have to be synched together on a random timer. An option should also be choosing how many you have at one time and how many options it can choose from.
I do not know how to code and the only guy I got couldnt figure it out.
?WHO IS UP FOR THE CHALLENGE? Who will be the genius that can figure this out???
What would be even cooler is the airdrop event is triggered by something hidden in game…pressing a button at a secret location etc. Let me know when that’s finished
This is a good idea. I don’t actually think this could be too hard. I’m sure just using the random math lua function to trigger both the crate and redzone would be pretty simple. Make some random timer that has to hit a certain amount of digits then start a count down from the digits gathered before the crate drop is triggered. I’m sure we could go further and make it much more random using math tables to make it extremely random but it shouldn’t be too hard.
I may do this in the future but as of right now I cannot as I don’t have extra time but I would be willing to give tips on how I’d do it on this post if someone who knows code and is willing to script this needed help doing this.
That would be cool. Im just looking for someone that knows how to script. I can just manipulate scripts a little SO HELP IS NEEDED! Who will be the one.
I have already developed and customized this script for many cities, I assigned the Hacker the task of landing the container to call him he needs a device and to open the container the mafias need a usbkey but I really did many customizations
Hey there, i already thought about your idea before your post so here’s what i did.
I’m building my own survival zombie server so i did a timer ( 30 mins), each 30 mins a point will spawn randomly on some locations and if a player gets there, by pressing a key the plane will come and drop the supply.If the timer has not yet reached 30 mins no supply will come.
I did this in a morning and i am not an expert but i think its nice
Are you up for making one thats simpler? Literally random zones that can be changed in the config and a timer that is adjustable. Super simple. No hacker. No tools required
as i wrote you my script and my modification works just like that. the call is generated at a timer and you can enter as many zones as you want by making random shipments …
uses the red random areas and the creation of the basket.
when you open the basket the red zone and its blip will disappear … all customizable and timed … have a nice day