Can we hide server resources from the public?

I need to know how to hide the server resource list from the public without changing the resource name.

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Why would you do this?

I need to stop the public from viewing my server resource list, and I want to create a clean resource list area.

I guess this forum post about the same thing pretty much answers your question:

Server resources from the server-list

I would like to know how to prevent the public from viewing my server resource list while keeping the resource names unchanged, and I also want to create a clean resource list area. Can you please advise me on how to achieve this?

I literally just linked you an older forum post which literally answers your question because you were not smart enough to do this yourself, and now you just repeat the same question again? Did you even read it? I will make it short for you since you donā€™t want to read:

No, not possible.

So how this server hide all resources from public (i know it is possible)

I have read many topics about this on Fivem. Earlier, you mentioned a post I read five days ago. I created this topic because I need to know how to connect framework resources, including exports, and how to make them work together. However, some resources cannot be renamed, so itā€™s not possible to put all resources in one folder.

If you don't know how to do this, it doesn't necessarily mean that it cannot be done.

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There is no functionality built in to do this, this server is likely using a ā€˜hackedā€™ server build.

Having a misleading resource listing is a violation of the purpose of the server list and will get your server blocked. Iā€™ve just submitted this ā€˜Agrio RPā€™ server to the compliance team to be blocked, so, uh, thanks for the report.

This server doesnā€™t even have a weird resource list currently, assuming you mean this one: Server List

When and where did you get this screenshot?

The last screenshot I received was from another post, but I got this screenshot directly from Fivem. Please check this link: Server List. Based on the information provided, is this server using a modded (hacked) server build?

how can you do that? 1 resources only appear?

Just rename the files in your resources. Plus who cares see what resources you use. If you are so concerned about your resources you A. Have so many resources. Or B you have leaked assets on your server.

anyone knows the steps to hide resources from server?

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From just above:

In short, donā€™t try to do this - itā€™s a horrible idea. A legitimate server should not be concerned about people being able to see what resources are ran.

Recently they tried to dump the server because it had resources of origin, the user had not been on the server for a minute, luckily I have a good anticheat and I keep it instantly that I try to dump, thatā€™s why this option would be interesting

I donā€™t particularly see how hiding the resource list would help if the client still needs to download the resources to try to dump, TBH - even if they donā€™t see the list, they would still need to start connecting to download the client-side data. Plus, you can always use Escrow for your client-sided scripts, the encryption it provides it good enough to ward off 99% of people who claim to be ā€œsuper hackersā€ on FiveM :laughing:

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Well, the ones with certain menues scan to see ahead of joinig if its worth appeal for WL.
Like one time I forgot to hide the share of user ip, so they siddenly able to see each others licenses :smiling_face: