Can Someone Help Me With This?

So my server not letting me use multichar but i used legacy and injected the sql but It’s still not working!

Without sharing errors, nobody can help you.

Well we cant magically fix a issue you wont show to us

this is my first time using a forums chill on me lmao

The warning tells you it can’t start because you’re not using the version of ESX it needs to run.

i’m literally using legacy.

You’re literally using a version of legacy it doesn’t want. “legacy” is a channel on the github and it’s always being updated. You’ll need to look at the source of your Kash download and find out what it’s using to determine what makes an ESX version OK.

Unless there’s a reason you have to use Kash, consider using esx_multichar instead.

Literally not.

y’all are sending me the same link back-to-back. I am the only one with this problem literally I’m asking for help and y’all are sending me the resource that I am using…


so should I just delete the whole database and resources? because I promise you it’s legacy

I pointed you toward the multicharacter you should be using instead of kash.

i’m literally using the multichar that comes with legacy…

The check is done at the first line of your server/main.lua for that resource. It’s checking to see if ESX is running. If your multichar resource says you’re not running legacy, it’s because your ESX isn’t starting properly. Go through your server terminal output to find any earlier errors between server start and multichar trying to start.

EDIT: looking at your first screenshot, you have a metric crapton of errors that would keep you from running ESX. You have a seriously broken install.

Maybe the esx:sharedobject got changed by you or within the multichar script by default?

so what should I do?

Figure out why your server install is so horribly botched. Start at the top of the server terminal output, find the first error and work down from there.

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