Camera system




A camera system offering players multiple photography options with varying levels of functionality:

  • :camera_flash: Normal Camera [‘WEAPON_KIT_CAMERA’]: A handheld camera that allows players to take photos, but without zoom or filters.
  • :camera: Advanced Camera [‘WEAPON_KIT_CAMERA_ADVANCED’]: A handheld camera with zoom, filters, and movement, allowing players to take photos with more control.
  • :movie_camera: Tripod Camera: When a player is near a tripod camera, they can use it as an advanced camera (with zoom and filters), but it won’t have movement. Players can set up or dismantle the camera using an item. When taking a photo, the camera’s flash will create a small explosion effect.
  • :clapper: Studio Camera: Similar to the tripod camera, but with job restrictions.
  • :art: Synchronized Studio Backgrounds: When using the studio camera near photography props, players can change the background, which is synchronized for all players. By default, this feature is available in the photo studios located in Blackwater and Saint Denis, but it can be used with any of the supported props (p_bla_photo01x, p_bla_photo02x, mp005_p_bla_photo01x_bla, mp005_p_bla_photo01x_std) placed anywhere.

Note: This script only captures Social Club images (to use these images, it is recommended to open the gallery and take an external screenshot, such as with Steam or Windows)


  • Language (English and Spanish by default)
  • All script keys
  • Time duration to hide the HUD for players to take screenshots
  • Commands to hide or show the HUD when using or not using a camera
  • Job list for studio camera use (or disable restrictions)
  • Zoom levels for the advanced and tripod cameras
  • Filter list for the advanced and tripod cameras
  • Command to open the Social Club gallery

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Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) +900
Requirements vorp_core, vorp_inventory
Support Yes
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