California Roleplay

Come and join a server that is always expanding!!! Due to some change in players, we are now recruiting new citizens be they criminals, PD, or even civilians we want you all. The server offers whitelisted jobs and jobs players have created for any member of the citizenry to be part of increasing RP. We ask that you be 18+ and please take part in RP. for you criminals:

  • A full drug system with a better corner selling aspect to come in at a later time.
  • Business can be purchased and used for fronts. don’t believe me just ask father brian and his church
  • Engaging PD RP with a full judicial and government system for a fair trial.
  • heists from robbing a cartel plane to robbing the Pacific standard we have a number of objectives to keep you busy.

and much more… for PD and Civilians:

  • We are in the process for documents to be placed in so solid warrants and court orders can be served.
  • Ever-increasing features to be added to the PD to make this more immersive for you and an unofficial government to listen to suggestions
  • for the citizens are full jobs provided by the government from lumberyard to owning your own logistics company to even working with another player with businesses that are owned we want you all.

Finally, the server is only in alpha however is stable and will grow in time why not be on the ground floor of something great. Join and have an amazing time and lots of fun

Content creator-friendly