C# onPlayerKilled. Killer ID always returning -1

Hi all.
I’m trying to use baseevents:onPlayerKilled however the killerID seems to always return -1. I’m not sure if this is because both computers are on the same network or something else.

This is what I have on the client.

EventHandlers["baseevents:onPlayerKilled"] += new Action<int>((killerID) =>
    Debug.WriteLine($"Killed by {killerID}");

and this is on the server.

EventHandlers["baseevents:onPlayerKilled"] += new Action<Player, int>(OnPlayerKilled);

public void OnPlayerKilled([FromSource]Player source, int killerID)
    Debug.WriteLine($"{source.Name} Killd by {Players[killerID].Name}");

Does anyone know what’s going wrong? I did find another post about this here but it seems to be fine for them. Maybe a recent update broke it or have I missed something?

Thanks for any help.

Having the exact same issue

Literally just figured this out. At the bottom of deathevents.lua, there is a loop that isn’t used anymore with onesync.

function GetPlayerByEntityID(id)
	for i=0,32 do
		if(NetworkIsPlayerActive(i) and GetPlayerPed(i) == id) then return i end
	return nil

For testing I ended up replacing the 32 with an arbitrary number, but what you really should do is something like

function GetPlayerByEntityID(id)
	for i=0,#GetActivePlayers do
		if(NetworkIsPlayerActive(i) and GetPlayerPed(i) == id) then return i end
	return nil

I changed this to for i, player in ipairs(GetActivePlayers()) do but it starts returning -1 again so not sure what to do other than hard code an arbitrary number

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