Loading properly:
Hello. I can’t really do anything in Server-Side script, despite it loading properly.
TriggerClientEvent(“{eventName}”) doesn’t trigger any event, can’t even debug anything into console.
Any ideas?
Loading properly:
Hello. I can’t really do anything in Server-Side script, despite it loading properly.
TriggerClientEvent(“{eventName}”) doesn’t trigger any event, can’t even debug anything into console.
Any ideas?
Nevermind, it tends to happen if one marks script as client-side instead of server-side in fxmanifestation.
What? The print function prints in the server log if you run this compiled dll file in server in fxmanifest
bro i literally marked it as solved
Dude, it was literally an issue due to marking server script as client script in fx-manifest which is literally solved. What is your problem?