C# Invoking exported lua function error

I am trying to invoke Exports["chHyperSound"].playOnEntity(vehNetId, -1, "1", false, 100, -1); on a server script but the build batch file is complaining about:

ServerMain.cs(36,13): error CS0656: Der vo
m Compiler angeforderte Member "Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.CSharpArgumentInfo.Create" fehlt. [E:\Games\GTA5\txData\

Ive read that i need to use the windows.csharp nuget plugin but that didnt help. The Docs also do not talk about using exports (they do for Lua and JS tho, classic.). Not sure how to progress from here.

You learn anything about this?

I’ve been trying to use ESX functions but havn’t made much headway.

It’s asking for a type from “Microsoft.CSharp”, you’ll need to use that NuGet/library.