I would like to know if it is possible to read XML files as a source for config, I would like to be able to read an XML file then pull data from it and use it in scripts. If this is possible how would I go about implementing this in c#. Reading and pulling data im fine with, but I don’t know how to load an XML as a resource.
Also if XML is not possible/easy what would be another way to go about using a config file like an ini for easy config changes, I dont like using LUA scripts for example for configs.
The resource name is the name of the resource where this config.ini is located. So if your resource is called config, then …/resources/config/config.ini should be the file you’re trying to load.
String data = Function.Call<string>(Hash.LOAD_RESOURCE_FILE, "/resources/lspdfrm/config/config.ini", "config.ini");
However I get the exact same error,
To fully disclose, I have a resource named lspdfrm within that folder there are my scripts, there is also another folder called config which contains a config.ini which is what I am trying to load.
Mega Thank You!
I thought the resource name was referring to the folder location of the actual resource (i.e. the ini), not the resource itself. All working good now.