I hope someone can help me as I would love to code with C#. I thank you already upfront for taking the time to read this!
I have been stuck for a week now trying to solve this mystery. However no one seems to know or have a resolution. I feel it is locally on my side, but not sure how many actually code RedM in c#.
This is my issue:
[ 1214015] [b1491_GTAProce] MainThrd/ ^1SCRIPT ERROR in reference call: System.BadImageFormatException: Error verifying framework.Client.ClientMain:GetClientCoords (): Cannot load method from token 0x0a000014 for call at 0x0006^7
I’m getting this error messages with a lot of natives that “interact” with the game client. In this example above I have the issue with the following code:
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using CitizenFX.Core;
using CitizenFX.Core.Native;
namespace framework.Client
public class ClientMain : BaseScript
public ClientMain()
API.RegisterCommand("clientcoords", new Action(GetClientCoords), false);
public void GetClientCoords()
int pedId = API.PlayerPedId();
Vector3 playerCoords = API.GetEntityCoords(pedId, true);
Debug.WriteLine("" + playerCoords);
Now I have the same issue whenever I try CreatePed or GiveWeaponToPed for example, also the Function.Call(Hash) methods don’t work.
However on the client side natives like GetGameName and PlayerPedId do work. Server-side i have no issues at all. Even the GetEntitiyCoords works on server side.
I setup my FxServer with the latest stable and installed the RedM template via the TxAdmin. I build the C# project via the Citizen template.
I then made a Lua script and it works perfectly fine. So it is a C# issue that is client side. I check the version I’m running which is .NET Framework 4.5.2. I reinstalled multiple times, I checked with other people that have some knowledge, however nobody seems to be able to find the issue.
So I’m pretty clueless on where to look. I hope someone can point me in the right direction!
Righto. I’ve never used the templates or RedM, but in my experience BadImageFormatException generally means that something is not being loaded correctly, which is odd since you’re just using the standard client library.
Can you check that your build output put does not contain the Client library? If you’re not sure what I mean, send a screenshot of your build output folder.
Like I said, I’ve never used RedM before, but if it’s anything like FiveM (which I would expect it to be), you don’t want that CitizenFX.Fore.Client.dll in there. In visual studio, find the library like so:
This is from the Fivem docs(Scripting in C# - Cfx.re Docs). How would you recommend to build a solution? Just build it manual, make 2 projects and get the client and server citizen packages from Nuget?
Well, I can at least give it a go. I’m pretty new to C# so I went for the recommended way as I also saw a recent YouTube tutorial doing it like this.
Would be great if someone else with more knowledge could shed some light on this.
So I created a new Class Library (.NET Framework) with .NET Framework 4.5.2. I then downloaded the Nuget package for CitizenFX.Core.Client. I went to the properties and set Copy Local to false.
I put in the same code:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using CitizenFX.Core;
using CitizenFX.Core.Native;
namespace test
public class Class1 : BaseScript
public Class1()
API.RegisterCommand("clientcoords", new Action(GetClientCoords), false);
string getName = API.GetGameName();
Debug.WriteLine("Game is: " + getName);
public void GetClientCoords()
int pedId = API.PlayerPedId();
Vector3 playerCoords = API.GetEntityCoords(pedId, true);
Debug.WriteLine("" + playerCoords);
I then created the manifest and build the solution. I put both files from the build into a new resource folder:
I even went to the extend of installing GTA5 and FiveM. I applied the same route I took initially when setting up everything. Code runs perfectly fine with any issue.
So it seems to be a RedM client issue(??).
I hope someone would be able have some insight. A difference what I saw in the process is that FiveM needs to line up its client version with the server you connect to. In RedM this is not the case.
I managed after a lot of hurdles to get it working. Couple of questions, not sure if you know these:
The assemblies don’t export as “-xxx.net-” so I added the .net to the client and server assemblies.
There is an issue in the .csproj files in regard to: enable so I changed the following:
<!-- Only enable nullable feature for the supported frameworks -->
<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(TargetFramework)' != 'netstandard2.0' ">
I have the following issues remaining, although the first one is probably because I initially build it without the .net. Regarding the server error. Does this mean i need to use the standard functionality and use mono_rt2 only for client?
[ 1196375] [b1491_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Could not load assembly Client/bin/release/net452/Client.net - loading exceptions: Exception loading assembly Client/bin/release/net452/Client.net.dll: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
[ 1196235] [b1491_GTAProce] MainThrd/ ^1Error: mono_rt2 is no longer supported since (2024-03-31), skipped loading Server/bin/release/net452/Server.net.dll.^7
[ 1196375] [b1491_GTAProce] MainThrd/ at CitizenFX.Core.ScriptManager.LoadScripts (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x00024] in C:\gl\builds\cfx-fivem-2\code\client\clrcore-v2\ScriptManager.cs:67
[ 1196375] [b1491_GTAProce] MainThrd/ at CitizenFX.Core.ScriptManager.LoadAssemblyInternal (System.String name, System.Text.StringBuilder exceptions) [0x00099] in C:\gl\builds\cfx-fivem-2\code\client\clrcore-v2\ScriptManager.cs:163
Thanks, maybe I missed a thing, I remade it, and indeed no issues currently.
However updating the string doesn’t matter:
[ 6062016] [b1491_GTAProce] MainThrd/ ^1Error: mono_rt2 is no longer supported since (2024-03-31), skipped loading Server/bin/release/net452/Server.net.dll.^7
[ 6062016] [b1491_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Started resource framework
[ 6062016] [b1491_GTAProce] MainThrd/
[ 6062032] [b1491_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for framework
[ 6062078] [b1491_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded Client.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_8331
[ 6062125] [b1491_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Game is: redm
[ 6062125] [b1491_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Instantiated instance of script Server.Main.
[ 6062125] [b1491_GTAProce] MainThrd/ ^3Warning: Assembly Client/bin/release/net452/Client.net.dll has been loaded into the mono rt2 runtime. This runtime is still in beta and shouldn't be used in production, crashes and breaking changes are to be expected.^7
[ 6062125] [b1491_GTAProce] MainThrd/ OnConnectionProgress: Mounted framework (1 of 1)
I’ve breaking my head on this for the last couple of hours. However I cant get it to work server side.
Even with the following manifest.lua:
game 'common'
rdr3_warning 'I acknowledge that this is a prerelease build of RedM, and I am aware my resources *will* become incompatible once RedM ships.'
fx_version 'cerulean'
mono_rt2 'Prerelease expiring 2024-12-31. See https://aka.cfx.re/mono-rt2-preview for info.'
files { "Client/bin/CitizenFX.RedM.Native.dll" }
client_scripts { "Client/bin/Release/net452/*.dll" }
server_scripts { "Server/bin/Release/net452/*.dll" }
I’m still receiving the same error:
[ 22570875] [b1491_GTAProce] MainThrd/ ^1Error: mono_rt2 is no longer supported since (2024-03-31), skipped loading Server/bin/Release/net452/Server.net.dll.^7
Whenever I change the date to a random date then I get the message to change it to what you said. Any advise for me what to do?