Bury Items Stash & Dig Everywhere | Players treasure

Dig and Bury Script

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  • This script is working with ox_inventory or qb-inventory

  • This script is escrowed.

  • Resmon: 0.00ms - 0.01ms

  • This script allows you to dig your belongings anywhere with a bag. On soil and sand surfaces, you can bury your selected items at the coordinates you choose. Anyone with a shovel can find the buried items at any time, just like in reality.

  • Animation and custom props synced.

  • Ground type query. Cant’t bury road or stone grounds.

  • Customizable selection marker.



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Code is accessible No/Escrowed
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1200
Requirements qb-inventory or ox_inventory
Support Yes

qs inventory support?

The inventory system you mentioned seems to be a paid script. Unfortunately, if the code is not open-source or if integrating documentation into this script is not feasible, then support may not be available. However, if it’s open-source or has sufficient documentation, support can be provided. For further details, please feel free to contact us.

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It seems doable, but I don’t have this inventory. For this reason, I cannot test the script.