BulgaR SellDrugs / Goods / Legal or Illegal Stuff [VORP]

BulgaR SellDrugs / Goods / Legal or Illegal Stuff [VORP]

The script allows you to sell Drugs, but not only. It also allows you to setup other items as Legal or Illegal for sale to NPCs. It has many potential uses, for example, you can use it as a casual activity like “Newspaper Seller” and Sell Newspapers with it as a legitimate item, it all depends on how you configure the items for sale.


  • Ability to sell any items for NPCs
  • Items can be Legal or Illegal depending on how you set them in the config
  • Sale of Illegal Items may alert the Sheriff
  • There is an Animation for each activity
  • And More (Check Video Example or Config Example)


  • Ability to set up Discord logs
  • Expanded settings for each item individually
  • Ability to block individual NPCs Models
  • Ability to set in which Cities the sale should work.
  • Many other options that you can check on the → EXAMPLE CONFIG HERE ←

Future plans related to the script (WiP):

  • Possibility to negotiate a higher price with the NPCs (WiP)
  • Ability to block a given item for certain cities we choose in config (WiP)
  • If anything more is planned it it will appear here


Optional Dependencies:

[FiveM Asset Escrow System]
Script is protected using Cfx’s Asset Escrow system, you only have access to configuration files.

Code accessible No
Subscription based No
Lines (approximately) ~900
Requirements Stated above in Dependencies
Support Yes

Video Preview
LINK :point_left:

:shopping_cart: Buy This Script on Tebex

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Very good script. Good support and the best for drug sells

Is it possible to make specific drugs have different sell price modifiers for specific towns? This way one drug can sell for more in Val, and even more in Blackwater and vice versa for another drug selling for less in Blackwater but more in Val and even more in Saint Denis?

Hi, there is currently no such function, u can see config example here: bulgar_selldrugs_config_example/config.lua at main · BulgaRpl/bulgar_selldrugs_config_example · GitHub

UPDATE 24.10.2024

  • Added new config option ( Config.CurrencyType = 0 → ( 0 = money, 1 = gold, 2 = rol ) ).
  • Fixed decimal prices issues.

Im using outsider jobalerts, will this allow me to leverage those exports for the alerts?