BulgaR River Activities [VORP] & [REDEMRP] & [RSGCore]

BulgaR River Activities [VORP] & [REDEMRP] & [RSGCore]

Some Activities Related to the River.


  • Ability to wash yourself in the river or in any water depending on how you set it.
  • Ability to drink water directly from the river or in any water depending on how you set it.
  • Ability to fill a Canteen/Calabash directly from the river or in any water depending on how you set it.
  • Ability to fill a Empty Bottle directly from the river or in any water depending on how you set it.
  • Ability to fill a Empty Bucket directly from the river or in any water depending on how you set it.
  • And More (Check Video Example or Config Example bellow).

Features 2:

  • Canteen/Calabash can be used 4 times, after that we will get an empty Canteen/Calabash to refill in water source.
  • Drinking the water from filled Bottle will give us back an empty Bottle to the inventory.
  • After filling an Empty Bottle, we can get clean or dirty water bottle.
  • Drinking dirty water or directly from water source can result in poisoning.
  • During sick/poison our character will lose the Food and Drink status every X seconds additionally the vomiting animation will appear.
  • U can heal your character sooner with an antiposion/antidote.
  • And More (Check Video Example or Config Example bellow).


  • The script works also with Outsider Metabolism or Fred Metabolism (U can choose in config what u want to use).
  • Don’t need a certain feature? Disable it in the config, check the Config Example bellow if its possible or contact me if its not.
  • Almost everything can be set in the config, check the Config Example bellow.

Config Example:


[FiveM Asset Escrow System]
Script is protected using Cfx’s Asset Escrow system, you only have access to configuration files.

Code accessible No
Subscription based No
Lines (approximately) ~1500
Requirements Stated above in Dependencies
Support Yes

Video Preview
LINK :point_left:

:shopping_cart: Buy This Script on Tebex

My Other RedM Scripts
BulgaR RedM Scripts


isn’t the dokuscore extracted script that allows to do that? their version is free to use btw…


Then use free if in your opinion its the same… This one is updated version of my old paid script that has ben on the marked for long time before any other was there i do not steal or sell someones else work, u dont have to buy if u dont like it. I dont understand such comments crying that someone sells his own work…

I can also say that other scripts are leaks of my old open source ones that was also paid but im not crying about that.

okay m8! you don’t have to be so rough it was just a question here i didn’t knew it’ll make you so upset :confused:

If we already own your old version, would this be the update on Tebex or do we still need to purchase?

No need to buy again, the update is on your keymaster.

1 Like

Thank you, you’re wonderful!

UPDATE 29.12.2024

  • Fixed issues when using “outsider_needs”.
  • Fixed vomit animation issues for Female Peds.