British License Plates

Is there anyway to remove the British license plate and make it a standard San Andreas plate
What it is now:

What i want it to be:

Anyone know anything about removing it please tell me it would be very helpful!


This is usually tied to the vehicle model where they place a static plate on the model.
There might be a few out there where they don’t do that but unsure, in this case you wouldn’t be able to change it unless the file would be unlocked and you knew how.

I have a few that are normal plates but i’m mainly asking for unmarked British cars since it would give them away. I was wondering if you would be able to change it in the ytd? @Newtonzz

Unfortunately I couldn’t, most of those vehicles are locked by the developer that works on them, they all start for example by exporting the cars from Forza over to GTA, you could possibly look up a few tutorials in that regard if you really want to get it sorted.

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Thank you you for telling me. :+1:t2: @Newton

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No worries, good luck!