This resource was originally intended to be manually enabled / disabled during colder weather in the real world, and it still is on the stable version. However, I have recently rewritten this resource and released an experimental copy alongside this one. This experimental copy contains many more features and configuration options. Look below for the individual version features / config options.
With that being said, you may retrieve the experimental copy through keymaster after purchasing. Please note that you may run into unexpected bugs or performance issues using it as I have not yet been able to do thorough testing. Please report such incidents so that I may fix them if present!
Current Features / Configuration Options: (1.X.X)
Talk Amplify - Whether or not to amplify the effect when someone is talking.
Time - Time between breaths.
Face Distance - Distance away from your face to create the effect.
Face Height - Height from your head to create the effect.
Effect Scale - The scale of the effect, how large or small the effect will look.
Experimental Features / Configuration Options: (2.X.X)
Check Delay ( how often the resource checks conditions )
Min and Max Breath Delay ( time between breaths )
Talking Effect ( amplify effect while talking )
Talking Delay ( delay between “breaths” while talking )
Complete Particle Customization
Dict and Name
Bone to play the effect on
Offset and Rotation
Weather Dict
Contains all weather types with a min and max hour for the effect to occur.
To disable a weather from causing the effect, comment out or remove the line.
Disable Function
Gives you the ability to write custom code that determines whether or not to show the effect during certain situations.
By default it is configured to disable the effect under one of the following conditions:
Ped is in an interior
Vehicle is traveling over ~10mph ( to prevent breath trail )
Update pushed: Should have optimized everything + fixed the issue from this post.
Note that the TalkAmplify may have a greater hit on your server, I dont have many people to test this with so you guys will have to let me know.
Unless you guys know how to redownload the script after purchasing feel free to privately message me for the updated download. Have your tebex transaction id ready.
If the issue from the post above continues, let me know asap. It shouldnt but just in-case message me.
As for the preformance numbers, I have to go do something soon so I cannot get to that as of right now. If someone whos already purchased the script and has the latest update wants to post them feel free to. I would greatly appreciate it.
So we absolutely love the function of the script but is there a chance we can get an update for like interior proxies so we don’t see our breath when in interiors and also maybe a config for only xmas, light snow, blizzard, snow weather’s? Or if the snow ground effects are enabled then we see breath, otherwise disabled . I’ve been looking into it myself and if I figure it out I’d be happy to port it to you but if it happens before hand… that’d be awesome haha.
That is something I can look into for a future update for sure. I have a couple other projects going on right now but if I find the time ill be sure to try it out.
It’s actually really simple to check the weather and if a player is in Interior 0 (outside). Anyone who owns the script could probably implement that themselves in just a few minutes assuming their is a toggle on/off variable built in (and if not then if one could easily be easily added)
It might increase performance hit a very tiny bit because it has to be called frequently enough to update when a player enters an interior (although, you certainly don’t need to call it on 0, you can get away with 500+ for sure)