[BRAND NEW] SG Wrld 💯 | 100K OR DIE | Loot Boxes | Bumper Cars |E-GIRL FRIENDLY | 1.5 Million Starting Cash | New Server | Weekly Updates | Optimized Gang Server | Gang Turf Wars | Custom Drip | Custom Cars | Custom Rims | Custom Drugs

:100:^0SG Wrld​:100:| :money_with_wings:^8100K OR DIE​:money_with_wings: | :gift:Loot Boxes​:gift: | :racing_car:Bumper Cars​:racing_car: |:star:^8E-GIRL FRIENDLY​:star: | :dollar:^01.5 Million Starting Cash​:dollar: | :star2:^4New Server​:star2: | :date:Weekly Updates​:date: | :chart_with_upwards_trend:^8Optimized Gang Server​:chart_with_upwards_trend: | :crossed_swords:^0Gang Turf Wars​:crossed_swords: | :droplet:^8Custom Drip​:droplet: | :racing_car:^0Custom Cars​:racing_car: | :red_car:^0Custom Rims​:red_car: | :pill:^8Custom Drugs​:pill: | :police_car:^0Hiring Police And Ems​:ambulance: | :scroll:^8Need Staff​:scroll: | ^8discord.gg/CH4Ukcv5VT | CUSTOM SCRIPTS, CUSTOM CARS, CUSTOM CLOTHING, COME HAVE FUN ON THIS NEW FRESH SERVER!!!